Deploy generative image priors for image reconstruction using BART

MR image reconstruction, model deployment, TensorFlow C API, TensorFlow computation graph

Figure 1. Overview of the proposed method.

Abstract As the image priors are almost always trained in an offline setting using Python, this work aims to deploy the trained model with an MR image reconstruction toolbox, BART, which is a versatile tool for image reconstruction. As shown in Figure 1, there are two steps to realize this: (a) export the constructed computation graph with TensorFlow; (b) use the graph as regularization in BART.

The deployment of models trained with spreco into BART requires minimum environmental prerequisites, providing a practical and user-friendly solution for medical image reconstruction tasks.

Figure 2. The structure of spreco.

Method We developed a Python library for training generative models, spreco, based on TensorFlow, which has the following features:

  1. Distributed training
  2. Interruptible training
  3. Efficient dataloader for medical images
  4. Customizable with a configuration file

And we trained a log-likelihood prior, \(\log p({x};\mathtt{NET}(\hat{\Theta}, {x}))\)\(^1\)\(^{,\ 2}\), which is used to impose learned prior knowledge of images in the SENSE model. The reconstruction is commonly formulated as the following minimization problem \begin{equation} \hat{x}=\underset{x}{\arg\min}\ |\mathcal{A}{x}-{y}|_2^2 + \lambda \log p({x};\mathtt{NET}(\hat{\Theta}, {x})),\nonumber \label{eq:1} \end{equation} where the first term ensures data consistency between the acquired k-space data \({y}\) and the desired image \({x}\), \(\mathcal{A}\) is the forward operator. This problem is solved with FISTA algorithm that has been implemented in BART. To use the learned log-likelihood prior with BART, we have implemented a wrapper using TensorFlow C API for the initialization, restoration and inference of the exported trained model. Click here Open In Colab and give a quick tryout!

Figure 3 displays the evolution of image during the process of reconstruction.

Figure 3. The left sub-figure shows the evolution of the probability density function (PDF) (dashed curves) and the empirically learned PDF (solid curves) at five selected pixels over iterations. The middle sub-figure shows the evolution of magnitude image. The right sub-figure shows the convergence of metrics.

Conclusion We showcased the seamless integration of a TensorFlow trained model into the existing MRI reconstruction workflows of the BART toolbox. This integration allows us to leverage the image reconstruction capabilities offered by BART while harnessing the advantages of rapid prototyping of advanced deep learning models using TensorFlow.



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    Generative Image Priors for MRI Reconstruction Trained from Magnitude-Only Images
    Guanxiong Luo, Xiaoqing Wang, Mortiz Blumenthal, Martin Schilling, Erik Hans Ulrich Rauf, and 3 more authors
    Aug 2023


  1. MRM
    Deep, deep learning with BART
    Moritz Blumenthal, Guanxiong Luo, Martin Schilling, H. Christian M. Holme, and Martin Uecker
    Magn. Reson. Med., Oct 2022


  1. ISMRM
    Using data-driven image priors for image reconstruction with BART
    Guanxiong Luo, Moritz Blumenthal, and Martin Uecker
    In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., Oct 2021